How To Celebrate Kids and Adults
After a year of hard work, it’s important to honor and celebrate what your kids — and adults — have achieved. For younger kids especially, a physical award is an incentive for them to continue on their discipleship journey. For older kids and adults, awards are more intrinsic, often coming from their growing relationship with the Lord. Whether you choose to celebrate with book awards, certificates or emblems from the Awana Shop, make or purchase awards of your own, or do something totally different, the key is to help kids understand that the “award” represents a milestone moment in their walk with Jesus. Make the award meaningful to the person receiving it, and they will have a memory for a lifetime.

As you plan ahead for your end-of-year awards, this roundup of resources will give you things to consider:

Why Do Awards Matter?
Why Awards Matter to Preschoolers
Awana Clubs Podcast: Awana Awards
5 Tips for Meaningful Impact at Your Awards Night!
The Missing Award
End-of-Year Awards Aren’t Only For Kids
Awana Shop: Awards

Forming Children in the Gospel

As a community of children’s ministry and next-gen ministry leaders, it is vitally important to cultivate both sound doctrine and practices within our ministries. This foundational approach is essential for molding young believers into devoted followers of Jesus, capable of living out the Gospel with a blend of grace and truth, particularly in a world marked by hostility and compromise.

The 2024 Child Discipleship Forum will help you nurture children’s faith with a focus on Biblical conviction and Christ-like compassion through discussions on the Gospel, community, apologetics, culture, discipleship practices, and interviews with experts.

The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.

John 1:9-13

As we near the darkest day but the richest days of advent, we wanted to say thank you for bringing the Hope of the Gospel, in the midst of a dark and hurting world, to children all around the world. Ensuring more kids know about the humble coming of Christ at Christmas and the redemption and fruitful life He offers would not be possible without you. 

Merry Christmas and God bless you and yours this season.

The Wonder of Advent Week 1: Hope, Week 2: Love, Week 3: Joy, Week 4: Peace Download Adent Guide

The Wonder of Advent 2020
Week 1: Hope, Week 2: Love, Week 3: Joy, Week 4: Peace
Download Adent Guide

30 Ways to Celebrate Pastors, No Matter Your BudgetIt's Pastor Appreciation Month! You have been gifted with shepherds and  pastors who sacrificially serve the littles to the seniors on a weekly  basis. How will you celebrate your pastor throughout…

30 Ways to Celebrate Pastors, No Matter Your Budget

It's Pastor Appreciation Month! You have been gifted with shepherds and pastors who sacrificially serve the littles to the seniors on a weekly basis. How will you celebrate your pastor throughout the month? Here are 30 ideas to get you started!

The season for the annual Awana event has kicked off, and we are excited to help our partners adapt this to fit a COVID-19 context. Whether your Awana club is meeting in person, virtually, or doing a mix of both, Awana Grand Prix is a fun and engagi…

The season for the annual Awana event has kicked off, and we are excited to help our partners adapt this to fit a COVID-19 context. Whether your Awana club is meeting in person, virtually, or doing a mix of both, Awana Grand Prix is a fun and engaging outreach event for your church, as well as an opportunity for kids and their families to participate.

If you need local help with this ministry please contact us at

100 Theme Night IdeasWe’ve compiled a list of 100 crowd pleasers, grouped by subject, to  support you during this unique teaching year. They’re easy to arrange,  and most use simple household items. However and wherever you meet,  theme nights can …

100 Theme Night Ideas

We’ve compiled a list of 100 crowd pleasers, grouped by subject, to support you during this unique teaching year. They’re easy to arrange, and most use simple household items. However and wherever you meet, theme nights can re-energize your group, boost participation and encourage handbook achievement. Share these ideas with your church and friends who are doing at-home discipleship.

Introducing Brite Families for At-Home Child DiscipleshipGod calls us to show our kids how to love Jesus for the rest of their  lives. But where do we begin? How do we manage everything life throws at  us while still making an eternal impact? We ar…

Introducing Brite Families for At-Home Child Discipleship

God calls us to show our kids how to love Jesus for the rest of their lives. But where do we begin? How do we manage everything life throws at us while still making an eternal impact? We are excited to share with you Brite Families, intended for home discipleship. It’s packed with videos kids will love and lessons to guide conversations together as a family. Use in your own home and share this new resource with friends and family.

Fun Ideas

During these down times when many clubs are not able to meet, here are some ideas for communication with your clubbers:

- - Online scavenger hunt - Theme "Life Saver" - Awana Clubs connecting with other Awana clubs by Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, etc. - Sparks, T&T, & Cubbies Zoom call - Create a Family Challenge - Video it and send it to your kids parents’ - Send post cards or letters to your clubbers - Have your lesson leaders record a large group lesson - Zoom calls - do a breakout session for their small groups - Do a church drive through where parents drive by the church and kids say verses from their car - Contests - Send prayer requests and text to parents - Online Bible Quiz - Provide support to parents so they can do devotions in their homes - Awana at Home lessons (Email us for info at - Leader prayer video chat - Prepare for the big comeback when this isolation time is over - Use the Awana Brite curriculum - 4 free lessons downloadable - Kids are missing their friends and will light up when they see them on screen - Create a coloring or activity sheet for the kids to do and email it out to the parents - Send out parent pages each week - Plan your closing ceremonies


The Heart and Vision Behind an Awana Awards Celebration

Throughout the Awana year, you’ve taught children and students the Word of God “for such a time as this.” A global pandemic, isolation, and economic uncertainty … can you imagine living through this difficult time without strong faith?

20 Ways to Honor the Women Who Make Your Mother’s Day So Special