Please join us for a night of fun and fellowship on Feb. 19th!
Rich Lorenz and Steve Blair will be coming down to run some crazy fun games (like minute to winit)!!!
Joe Cook will be leading our large group message. He will be highlighting Lesson 6.4 from the Journey Witnesses Bible Study.
Worship will be headed up by some of our Journey students!
We would love to see the state come together, One mission, many methods (or in this case, many students & leaders!!!)
Our Summit café will be selling dinner from 5-5:30 pm. You can purchase a meal for $3.75 or bring a sack dinner. We must have RSVPs for dinner NLT Friday Feb. 17th (We will send out the menu the week before).
Here’s the schedule for the evening:
Dinner 5-5:30 pm
Games 5:30-6:10 pm
Chair reset 6:10-6:15
Worship 6:15-6:30
Large group message 6:30-7:00 pm
Small groups meet 7:00-7:30
Please call or e-mail me to let me know if you will be able to join the fun!
Lance & Jennifer Van Vleck
Journey Directors
Mountain Springs Church
(702) 326-8523